420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator
420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator
420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator
420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator
420 Organics
Reference : 0921-006-004

420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator

Microbial preparation based on Bacillus amyloliquefaciensFertilizer in powder form to be mixed with the soil. For greenhouse plants Fertilizer that stimulates the soil by its compost action and acts especially on the growth of plants. Preferably use 420 Organics with the least amount of fertilized soil possible and water with clear water

420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius 200g , beneficial bacteria , root activator
€119.90 (tax incl.)

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Product details

420 Organics - Rootshoot Bascilius, beneficial bacteria, root activator

The powder 420 Organics will revolutionize your soil culture!

Bascilius Rootshoot Fertilizer 420 Hydroponics increases nutrient availability, promotes mass increase and reduces soil fatigue problems.



Suitable for use in organic farming in accordance with Regulation (EC) 834/2007

ROOTSHOOT BASCILIUS is a stimulant containing a bacterium, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IT 45, which colonizes the root, stimulates the production of rootlets and solubilizes phosphorus in the soil to make it available to the plant.


Bacteria - Bacillus


  • Stimulates root growth,
  • Solubilizes phosphorus in the soil,
  • Increases the availability of nutrients for plant growth,
  • Increases mass,
  • Reduces soil fatigue.
  • Symbiotic relationship: the bacterium settles in the zone close to the roots by feeding on root exudates (protein-rich liquid naturally secreted by the roots). In return, it stimulates root growth by secreting growth metabolites and solubilizes phosphorus by secreting enzymes.
  • Probiotic effect: Probiotic consists in the use of beneficial micro-organisms for the nutrition and health of plants (limits the risk of pathogens).



In pot: 0.01-0.02g per cm diameter of the pot.
Mixed with substrate: 0,04-0,4g/liter of substrate.
Vegetable crops: 0,1g per m².

Direct application: 0,1-0,2g per plant - 1 kg/ha - 0,04 g/cell. Pre-dilute the required dose in a little water before applying it at the foot of the plant, as close as possible to the roots.

Preparation of a stock solution: dissolve 10g of ROOTSHOOT BASCILLUS in one liter of water, then apply at a concentration of 1% (10ml/liter) in your nutrient solution. 1L of stock solution for 100L of nutrient solution.

In both cases, stir well and let the mixture rest before application.

Apply the product in humid conditions. Optimum temperature between 10°C and 30°C.

Frequency of application :

Every 2 to 3 weeks for a short cycle crop (2-3 months).

Every month for crops with a longer cycle

Period of use:

Sowing and planting. Before the vegetative growth phase.

The roots work like our intestines, beneficial bacteria act to reduce food and make it assimilable.

The beneficial bacteria of the human digestive system are on the inside while the beneficial bacteria of plants proliferate on the outside.


Roots stimulated by ROOTSHOOT BASCILIUS

Increase in gross crop yield from 5 to 22% depending on the crop.

Lettuce trial - Planète Légumes - ID3A in BALGAU (68) - 2010.
Final gain in the conditions of the trial compared to the control for 1 ha (90000 lettuces/ha - 0,4¤/salad) : 1007,32¤/ha.


Based on inactivated yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IT 45 : cfu/g. (cfu = colony forming unit)
Dry matter : 96

ROOTSHOOT BASCILIUS is a wettable powder fertilizer for soil cultivation. Pre-mix with warm water to facilitate the solubilization of the product. Sprinkle the product little by little into the warm water and mix until you obtain a homogeneous slurry. Then pour this mixture into your tank/watering can previously filled to half and complete the volume of water. Mix well. Apply on wet soil or water after application

Contains Bradyrhizobium amyloliquefaciens. Microorganisms may cause sensitization reactions
Dust mask with P3 filter, appropriate protective gloves and clothing must be worn by the user.
RHIZOCELL, fertilizing material, AMM n° 1110014, ITHEC.

Product likely to agglomerate due to humidity, in this case, just dissolve it in a little warm water before putting it in your solution.

Technical sheet

  • Recommended use
    Root stimulator
  • Product type
  • Application
  • Type of fertilizer
    Organic, For use in Organic Agriculture
  • Marque
  • Nos emballages et produits peuvent faire l’objet d’une consigne de tri

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