What is a Neutralizer?

Neutralizer is a machine to destroy odors and their molecules

Two former perfumers got to work and created the Neutralizer.

Faced with the problems of recalcitrant and very smelly odors, they set up a research and development plan to see if the creation of aromas could be used to solve the problems of recurrent bad odors.

During 3 years of research the team discovered that most odors generate molecules, and that it is possible to isolate them thanks to a secret formula: a patented, innovative, unique technology allowing the destruction and neutralization of bad odors in closet or indoor cultures.

The Neutralizer system is a perfect blend of natural essential oils and Evaporative Molecular Electronictechnology.

The Neutralizer - Recharge Road Kit 20mlIn photo the special car version

Understand the Product and the magical effects of Neutralizer

What is Neutralizer made of? Simply a blend of secret essential oils that destroy odors.

Each essential oil has its own history, as well as all its specific properties, and a hundred active molecules that work in total synergy. This synergy creates a link between the essential oils so active and spreads the multi-benefits of the plants from which they come.

Neutralizer 's research team has developed EME with immense passion and precision in order to offer its customers 100% effectiveness in destroying odors.

The essential oils we use are the most powerful and efficient that Mother Nature has offered us in the hydroponic market.

Neutralizer is made in Spain in Madrid. Neutralizer is elected best product at the 2013 Awards in Czech Republic.

Neutralizer oNA is an innovator in the hydroponics andhydroponicsmarket.

Neutralizer is a unique product with remarkable results on odor destruction

Watch the Neutralizer video for more information on Neutralizer and understand how it works in its entirety on the cultureindoor.com information site

Discover the famous The Neutralizer Kit

Discover the Neutralizer anti-tobacco a model that neutralizes and destroys all tobacco odors in your daily environment such as the office, home, dirty smokers or smoking rooms, Neutralizer has also found the molecule that destroys the smell of tobacco.

How to install Neutralizer ? Can I put Neutralizer directly in my grow cabinet like Neutralizer recommends? Yes, in order to obtain better results, the odors released by the essential oils do not impregnate specific odors on your plants, even if you smell a lemony odor, don't worry, the product has proven itself for several years.

Discover the Neutralizer accessories , refills for the complete kit, at Culture Indoor, your growshop that offers the best prices of the Neutralizer in France with a lifetime loyalty discount -20% * and free shipping anywhere in France * for 59 € purchase the European leader in hydroponics and soilless culture.

ONA vs Neutralizer? Tell us what you prefer for the destruction of odors in your growing spaces and in the environment around you

Need to destroy lingering odors in your home? cultures in the closet? Looking for neutralizer? Tfind neutralizer.
Comment on your favorite products and help others find the best odor eliminating product for your location.

Where to buy Neutralizer? Who is the exclusive distributor in France? Culture Indoor your online growshop since 2002

Does Neutralizer work better than ONA ? If you are looking for a competing product that does not work in the same way, try and discover ONA in our ONA section