Agricool: An urban farm in Paris

Let's start with a brief overview. Today, the European Union is the world's leading agricultural producer. It is estimated that the production of strawberries alone amounts to nearly one million tons. These strawberries can come from the four corners of France or even from Spain, Poland or Germany, travelling hundreds of kilometers before arriving in our kitchens. Such conditions bring their share of drifts that alter the quality of the product: use of pesticides, GMOs or environmental pollution. It is with this in mind that two farmers' sons, settled in the city, have come up with their solution: Agricool.


Gonzague & Guillaume, demanding consumers.

Both sons of farmers, Gonzague and Guillaume had the chance to eat fruits and vegetables of excellent quality. When they arrived in the city, they quickly realized that the quality standards were different, and that they could bring a solution at their scale. They naturally started with an indoor cultivation in an apartment in the city. The strawberry production was modest, but of very good quality. It was time for them to move up a gear by moving into an old 33m² container that they had at their disposal.

Indoor growing in a container?

First called Localocal and then Agricool, the concept stands out for its simplicity and efficiency. In October 2015, our two friends set up their container in Paris, in Bercy. The beginnings are modest, 1 tray produced per day, but the quality is there. 1 year later, they manage to record nearly 1000 visits in 3 months. From there, the machine takes off. A fundraising campaign was set up, which allowed the team to expand and move to a new location in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. They can thus carry out various tests for their next cultures (density, variety, moisture, temperature, light...). It is at this precise moment that the Agricool team approached your favorite online growshop, Culture Indoor to provide them with hydroponic gardening equipment, including Black Box Silver.


Today, Agricool evolves and seeks to conquer new cities.

Without losing sight of their mission to offer quality fruits and vegetables, without pesticides or GMOs, Agricool has managed to invent a new way of producing based onhydroponics and indoor growing in general. After 2 years of work, they were able to multiply their productivity by 120 using 90% less water and nutrients and only renewable energy.

Nowadays, it is possible to live in the middle of the city and want to eat good fruits and vegetables all year round. Indoor growing allows you to have 100% control over the development of the food you are about to put on your plate. If two cooltivators manage to offer organic strawberries in the heart of Paris, why not try it?

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