Dual-signaldigital lighting controller with Lumatek
The Panel Plus Controller makes it easy to monitor and regulate a number of important factors in your growing space: starting with temperature, lighting time and intensity, safety-controlled dimming and switching on and off.
It's easy to use: simply plug in your luminaires, drivers or ballasts Lumatek to your Panel Plus controller.
The Panel Plus has two channels, each capable of controlling up to 200 HID luminaires or ballasts with an RS485 digital signal, or up to 50 drivers LED with a 0-10V analog signal, and can control luminaires in two independent spaces. Or 400 luminaires in a room with two different light sources.
Each channel can control ballasts of the same wattage, but it is also possible to monitor ballasts of different wattages.
Dimensions: 1128 x 80 x 25 mm
Panel Plus Controller technical specifications :
Control up to 400 HID ballasts or luminaires (200 ballasts per channel - Zone A & B)
Control up to 100 LED or luminaires (50 drivers per channel - Zone A & B)