Plugs coco pellets of high quality substrate washed with fertilizer, compressed and dehydrated in their net, very practical to start your shoots.
-20% | €2.60 |
-15% | €2.76 |
-10% | €2.93 |
-7.5% | €3.01 |
-5% | €3.09 |
VG Garden presents its Coco Pellets plugs, made from high quality washed substrate with fertilizer. Ideal for the refill of your 84 plugs plate VG Garden
These blocks, ideal for ornamental or vegetable plants, will allow you to plant your seeds or your young cuttings at their top, to see them growing to the desired size, to finally replant them directly in the ground, in your garden, flower box, vegetable garden or your greenhouse.
Hydrate then your coco pellet of VG Garden compressed and coated in its net (this one will allow to maintain the clod of substrate formed after being soaked with water). Prepare then a small hole for your seed or your seedling at the top of this small clod, which facilitates from now on the exchange of air and water. Note that the root ball will reach about 7 times its initial size. Once these steps are completed, you can repot or transplant the root ball with your young plant directly into the soil.
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