Is the Culture Indoor brand approved to sell phytosanitary products?

Yes, Culture Indoor is a company approved by the Ministry of Agriculture for the sale of plant protection products to non-professional users.

Approval number: IF01878

A certified advisor for the sale of "phyto" products answers your questions on 01 64 21 86 46 / 01 64 21 20 00
Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Or go to the SHOW ROOM CULTURE INDOOR in Courtry, rue Charles Van Wyngène 77181 Courtry
Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Or contact us by e-mail:

What is a plant protection product (PPP)?

This term refers specifically to the plant uses of pesticides (agricultural and non-agricultural, such as in gardens or municipal green spaces).
There are mainly three categories: herbicides (against weeds), fungicides (to control fungi) and insecticides (to control insects).
Other products have an action on rodents (rodenticides), snails and slugs (molluscicides).
According to the definition given by the article L.253-1 of the rural code, they also include products containing GMOs whose function is to destroy unwanted species.

What is an MA?

The Marketing Authorization (MA) is the agreement given to a holder of the exploitation rights of a commercial phytopharmaceutical speciality manufactured industrially so that he can market it.

Any plant protection product must be distributed under an MA number, which must appear on the product label.

All the MAs granted in France are listed on the site

What is an SDS?

The Safety Data Sheet is a form containing data on the properties of a chemical substance.

These sheets are an important element of health and safety for the users of the products and for those who treat their remains, residues, or waste soiled by these toxic and/or dangerous products but also for the caregivers, informing the emergency personnel (including poison control centers) about the risks related to these products and the means to reduce them.

These cards are widely used to catalog information on chemicals. They should be available wherever a substance is used.
In Europe, they must be distributed by the manufacturer or distributor of the product to the customer and in the customer's language.

What are the risks associated with the use of PPPs on humans?

Plant protection products have been known to scientists since the 1960s for their harmful effects on human health.
Their exposure increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, hemopathies and reproductive disorders and several types of cancers (gliomas, sarcomas, prostate cancers, etc.).

These risks are stated by risk phrases on the labels of the products concerned:

  • H301 Toxic by inhalation
  • H302 Harmful if swallowed
  • EUH029 Contact with water liberates toxic gases
  • H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
  • H315 Causes skin irritation.
  • H351 May cause cancer
  • H350 May cause cancer
  • H340 May cause genetic defects
  • H360 May impair fertility or the unborn child.
  • H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the fetus.
  • H362 May be harmful to breast-fed babies.
What are the risks associated with the use of PPPs on the environment?

The risks to the environment are diverse, they are stated by risk phrases which must be affixed to the labels of the products concerned:

  • H400 Very toxic to aquatic organisms
  • H411 ​​Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
  • H412 Harmful to aquatic organisms with long lasting effects.
  • EUH401 Follow the instructions for use to avoid risks to human health and the environment.
  • EUH059 Dangerous for the ozone layer

To reduce the risks, it is advisable to limit the application of these products (other so-called "organic" solutions may exist, see section "Alternative Control") and to protect oneself appropriately (see section "PPE: Protective Equipment Individual ").

Are there more or less harmful PPPs?

PPPs are classified by level of danger, pictograms present on the labels of the products give you the indication of the type of danger linked to its use (see "Good Phyto Practices" sheet).

  • The mention EAJ (Authorized Use in Garden) guarantees a less dangerous level.
  • The mention UAB (Usable in Organic Agriculture) guarantees that the active substance used in the product does not present an unacceptable risk for human or animal health, nor for the environment when the product is used under the normal conditions related to its marketing authorization (MA).
What types of PPP can I use for my garden?

According to the decree of October 6, 2004 on the conditions of authorization and use of the term "authorized use in gardens" for plant protection products amended by the decree of July 26, 2005, the specialties benefiting from the term "Authorized Use in Gardens (EAJ)" are the only products that can be sold to non-professionals (amateur gardeners) and used by them because they present guarantees of lesser danger.

What are Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and Pre-Harvest Intervals (PHIs)?

The MRLs are the maximum regulatory concentrations of active substances that must not be exceeded in foodstuffs and are defined during the toxicological studies carried out to obtain the MA.

Respecting the prescriptions for the use of a product defined by the MA, particularly with regard to the Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI), allows not to exceed the MRL of this product.

The DAR is the time necessary for the degradation of the phytosanitary product after treatment that must be respected before harvesting. If no ARfD is indicated on the label, the ARfD is 3 days.

Follow the instructions on the label!

Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques phytosanitaires ?

Afin de répondre au mieux à cette question, nous vous avons préparé un guide complet disponible à la lecture en cliquant ici.

Quelles sont les différentes méthodes de lutte alternatives aux produits phytopharmaceutiques ?

Afin de répondre au mieux à cette question, nous vous avons préparé un guide complet disponible à la lecture en cliquant ici.