8 products

Welcome to our section dedicated to the best aeroponic systems on the market, and discover the aeroponic range from the famous brand, GHE. At discount prices at Culture Indoor.

Originally from America, under the name GH and created by a former NASA researcher, the fame and success of GHE (for the European market, established in Fleurance in the department of 32) has resulted for four decades (!!!), from the expertise and quality of finish brought to their productions.

Culture Indoor, your online growshop, has been offering all GHE (General Hydroponics Europe) systems since its inception, especially in their aeroponic modes, including the famous Dutch Pot Aero of one square meter or more, the multiple AeroFlos (managing from 10 to over 80 plants), Aerofarm,...

As well as their effective aeroponic cuttings like the Cutting Board 27, the Rainforest 2 and the Rainforest 72 cuttings.

Remember to visit the Platinium Hydroponics section and their innovative systems at unbeatable prices.

The best web prices on GHE aeroponic systems are at Culture Indoor !!!