A multi-chamber bank filter with a compact, practical pump
Additional shipping costs: €18
Delivery delay : 3 week(s)
The FiltraClear 2500 plus set pond filter is a two-chamber filtration system. Mechanical filtration with filter mats and bio granules takes place in the first chamber, while biological filtration takes place in the second chamber.
It consists of a fine filter sponge, bio granules and a filter medium containing a strain of bacteria that ensures water transparency.
Equipped with a UV-C device, this filter guarantees clear water by ensuring that algae growth is kept under control. Cleaning is simple, thanks to two drain taps.
No headaches, the kit is complete and includes the water pump.
FiltraClear 2500 PlusSet is a gravity filter with two filtration chambers combined with a 5-Watt UV-C filter to remove suspended impurities from the water and prevent the development of green algae
Don't hesitate to add plants to your pond, as they will contribute to its biological and mechanical maintenance. To a certain extent, theyoxygenate the pond and purify the water.
We recommend changing the UV bulb every year to maintain optimum sterilization.